Now it is ready. Yesterday our Auffüllboden came to our land. Calculated, a requirement of around 300 400qm3 ground. As we have
yesterday dropped in time (about 15:30 clock), we had already 350qm3 soil on the property. At 18:30 clock, according to the crawler-driver were missing 80-90 QM3 ground. In the end it should just be in the 45 truck loads Auffüllboden.
Now a few pictures from the event:
One of many trucks:
course, there will also be distributed equally beautiful and compacted:
The supervision should not be missed. The building owner himself. According supervision the work was well executed :-)
The excavator operator saw this as well. After Aussge the driver of the fill soil was in a very good quality:
Still, our deep farm hands in the dumps, but as of tomorrow, no more, then it goes go:
The completion of the base plate is planned in week 14th Our house is 2 weeks later.
The moisture barrier, we bring ourselves on (that's the only thing we do in individual performance :-)).