reserves of condominium communities
The reserve fund should be in the declaration of division. It is usually not by square feet, but according to "Joint ownership" coded.
Regarding the amount of the reserve fund is used by us in the division, there is nothing that we adopt a flexible operation in the reserves in the annual owners' meetings, so the demand and market prices adjusted.
a certain level by the legislature for such reasons may not be useful.
Each owner should, however, have the right behind him when he established that there is (also against "unreasonable" majority) to a reserve fund to protect their property from loss of value that arise from inadequate provision for any capital reorganization measures could.
dispute should be there, whether building upgrades are covered by such claim reserves.
would be sure to say yes, if it is legislative compulsion is to modernize.
If it should be, however, only "gewillkürte" modernizations, such as "go to time and in the real estate market competitive" to stay, I would indeed advise at meetings in accordance with the current financial circumstances, but not for the litigation. To determine the amount of
reserving reasonable, it needs a property valuation report in which the stock, including the likely Remedial measures, including price increases in value is collected.
It takes a kind of "wear calendar," in which the repairs and costs are forecast.
The reserves should be created separately from the property manager and as far as possible interest to at least cover part of the price increases.
As property value does not, however, the entire property will be considered, but only the common values to be obtained. So building asset value less the private property.
If the reserve is less than 10 percent of the community-building property value, so I think the object berücklagt inadequate. So, we recommend initially a higher reserve ratio, which can be lowered to achieve.
reserves should be kept clear by the declaration of division of repayment in share sale.
MfG v. Immobilienhai>> discussion
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